Saturday, February 11, 2012

An Interview with AKM

Today I am introducing a reader named Angela, also known as AKM.  

Angela (AKM)

I think you will enjoy getting to "know" her a bit better through her interview.  I've enjoyed her upbeat and fun personality!  Here's my interview with her...

What is your earliest memory and how old were you?
    I THINK I remember the Fourth of July when I was 2 years old. I remember seeing fireworks and I distinctly remember sitting on a magenta plaid blanket we had. My mom says she doesn't remember that time specifically, but that it's definitely possible. 

Tell me something about which you feel passionate.
    I'm passionate about helping the disenfranchised, the marginalized, the oppressed. Jesus' best friends were these people, so that says it all to me. 

Tell me something about your childhood.
    I was fairly lonely as a child. I was tested and found to be gifted after I began reading early, and I never did fit in with the other children. I prayed and prayed for a little sister for years. Finally, when I was nine, I got a sibling...but it was a brother! EWW! A BOY! NOT what I ordered! 

Patrick and His girlfriend, Ashley

Once I met him, though, I instantly decided that we would be lifelong best friends. And we are.  

Tell me of an experience from your past that was incredible or amazing to you.
    Seeing the mountains of Colorado when I was sixteen was truly incredible. What majesty created by the Father! I decided then and there that I would someday live in Colorado, and I'm still sticking with that plan. I hope to live there once I get my MSW in two years.  
Tell me something that frightens you.
    Driving on bridges. Snakes. Driving in the rain and/or at night. Large statues of people. Clowns. Getting into a bad car accident. (Notice a theme here?)

Tell me something you have accomplished that pleased you.
    I still have a 4.0 so far in my second year (of four years) of grad school. 

What was your first job for money?
    I was always a babysitter as a teenager, and I was a good one. I would clean up the house as much as I could after the kids went to sleep, because I thought it would be a nice surprise for the parents. Kids loved me because I took the time to listen to them and I always had great books or movies or activities planned. My first real job was at Express, the clothing store, at Christmas my freshman year of college. It was kind of fun, and I spent every dime on Christmas presents for others and clothes for myself. 

Tell me about your first experience leaving home.
    I lived at home until I was 24, because I helped out so much with my brother. He was driving himself around by then and I finally decided to try the independence thing, so I moved into a small cheap apartment. I was still in college and I made $800 dollars a month working as a proofreader and receptionist at a local newspaper, and my rent was $200. I didn't have a thing, but I had tons of friends and tons of fun. It was probably the time I made the least amount of money as an adult, but it also might have been the time when I was happiest. Correlation, perhaps?! 

Do you think of yourself as an organized person?  Why or why not?
      I've always been peripherally organized -- I'm a secretary by trade -- but grad school has forced me to become organized to the very last detail. I plan out my budget, my work/school/practicum schedules, household chores and cooking schedules, assignment due dates, shopping lists/menus...I have to know where every penny goes and where every minute is spent. The more organized I am, the more relaxed I become. 

Is your adult life different than you expected?  If yes, how so?
      I always thought I would be married with children by now. I am almost 37 and single and without children, so it may never happen. I am satisfied with being a singleton, though, if that is what God has called me to be.

Is there a particular person who had great influence on you and if so who and how?
      Both of my grandmothers had a big influence on me. Grandma Gerry was my mother's mother, and I get my generosity, honesty-to-a-fault, and big heart from her. 

Grandma Gerry

Grandma Fran is my father's mother, and I get my wacky sense of humor mixed with a no-nonsense personality from her. 

Grandma Fran with Patrick's Dog, TJ

I am also influenced by Jesus Christ (of course!), Saint Francis (animals and simplicity), Martin Luther King (social justice), and Sir Paul McCartney (music and animals).  

AKM's Cat, Jackie

Tell me something about your views on spirituality.
       I came back to the Catholic Church last spring after a hiatus of at least ten years. I love receiving Jesus in the Eucharist. I love how the Holy Spirit moves me and guides me. I love knowing that I have a direct line to God at any time! (How cool is that?!) I love Mother Mary and I often get teary at Advent and Christmas when I consider the love she had for her baby boy, who would one day suffer and die so that others might live in the Kingdom forever. I love the austerity of Lent leading up to the great joy of Easter. I love loving my brothers and sisters here on Earth, as well as those who have gone before me, whom I will see again one day. I love babies, born and unborn, and I am pro-life.  

What do you do for a living?
      I am a secretary at a university in the St. Louis area and a part-time social work grad student. I will have my MSW in two years and I then hope to head West. (If Colorado isn't an option, I'm also considering states like Montana and/or Alaska.) I may try to get a federal job and work on an Armed Forces base. (Proud Army helicopter pilot's daughter here!) I also hope to serve in the Peace Corps at some point in my life. I am also currently an Inquirer learning about the Brothers and Sisters of Charity Domestic Expression, founded by John Michael Talbot, and I am considering becoming a celibate sister -- yes, a nun! -- and living at his Little Portion Hermitage in Arkansas someday. (

What do you currently most enjoy to do with your free time?
      I love Sundays...Mass, family, friends, books, and relaxation. Sometimes I go out with friends on Friday nights and we do karaoke, which is a hoot. I'm kind of a homebody, though, so I am often at home reading, cooking, and snuggling with my cat.

Tell me something new you've recently learned.
      I've been immersed in domestic/sexual violence advocate training for my practicum, which is at a domestic violence agency from now until July/August. I have become passionate about the movement and it may be my social work niche. Everyone on the planet should feel safe in his or her own home and no one deserves to be abused. 

Is there something new you plan to learn?  If so, what?
      I have been kinda-sorta learning Italian for a few years. I'm not very good at it unless I can read it. (For whatever reason, I am good at learning foreign languages, but only specifically at reading and writing them; speaking them becomes a challenge. I think this might be because I am very much a reader and a visual learner.) 

Whether I've asked a fitting question or not, tell me anything about yourself that you wish to tell!
      -- I'm kind of a foodie and all of those "acquired taste" foods, like blue cheese, anchovies, and black licorice? I love 'em, and I have from the first time I ever tried them.
    -- I love coffee and tea and I must have some daily. I like all kinds of both.      -- I have never broken a bone or been stung by a bee.
    -- My favorite songs are "Thunder Road" by Bruce Springsteen, "Tin Cup Chalice" by Jimmy Buffett, and "In My Life" by the Beatles.
      -- I like tattoos, NPR, pigs, green olives, mob movies, British comedy, and Twizzlers.
      -- I am the guardian of one very spoiled and very beautiful one-eyed cat named Jackie.
      -- Like Pastor Mike, I am a huge St. Louis Cardinals fan. I also love Kentucky basketball and Notre Dame football. 

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