Friday, April 22, 2016

Hula hooping in Wal-Mart

Yes, we apparently have the kind of family that hula hoops in Wal-Mart. 

Not just that, but our daughter-in-law, Sara, kept hula hooping even when her husband tossed bananas to her... Well, for a bit anyway.

That's all. I have no explanations to offer.


Lisa said...

Nothing like making shopping fun.

Pam Brewer said...

That's awesome.

affectioknit said...

Funny!...we're that kind of family too...but I think I'm the only one who actually can hula hoop...

~Have a lovely day!

EJN said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
EJN said...

I meant there's. No need for bad grammar.

EJN said...

I meant there's. No need for bad grammar.

EJN said...

;)! That there the good stuff!

Sue said...

It was silly fun. For the record, I did not hula-hoop. I kind of wish I had.

EJN, don't worry about the grammar! It is obvious that autocorrect was not playing fair.

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